Dozer Blade - 90" (6-Way)

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Dozer Blade - 90" (6-Way) Specs & Compare
Operating Weight987 lb
Length33 in
Width90 in
Height25.2 in
Blade Height24.2 in
Skid ShoesAdjustable
Working Width (Fully Angled)78 in
Cutting Edge (reversible)0.5 in. x 6 in.
Cutting Edge (reversible) - Length6 in
Cutting Edge (reversible) - Width0.5 in
Dozer Blade - 90" (6-Way) Features & Benefits

6-Way Adjustable Blade

The dozer blade angles +/- 30 degrees and oscillates up to +/– 10 degrees, with electric-over-hydraulic controls for on-the-fly adjustments. 

Adjustable Depth Guides

Mounted on the dozer blade attachment, adjustable skid shoes guide and control the depth of the dozer blade. 

Bi-Directional Operation

The dozer blade can be operated both in forward and reverse for optimum grading action direction. 

Cast Design

Designed for handling the toughest applications, the 96-inch dozer blade features an all-cast design for maximum strength. It quickly becomes a dozing machine when combined with the tractive effort of a compact track loader. 

Fingertip Control

Featured on the 80-inch through 96-inch models, fingertip controls allow for easy, efficient and comfortable attachment adjustment

Reversible Cutting Edge

The reversible cutting edge increases the versatility of the attachment while providing better uptime protection and more time between blade exchanges. 

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